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Great RV Travel Activities for Children

rv related coloring book pages for children
May 22, 2022

Traveling is a great way to spend quality time with your children.

Traveling is a great way to spend quality time with your children and teach them about the world. Traveling together is a wonderful way to bond with your kids and teach them about different cultures. It’s also an excellent opportunity for you to learn from each other, as well as share interesting stories from your past experiences.

It’s also a good opportunity to teach and bond with them, but you may have concerns about how they will respond to long car rides, airplane trips or the inevitable “Are we there yet?”

As a parent, you want to provide your child with the best travel experience possible. You also want to travel safely and responsibly, so it’s important that you take steps to prepare them for their trip ahead of time. Here are some tips:

  • Get plenty of rest before the trip. This may seem obvious, but if you’re tired when driving or flying then it can be difficult to keep up with your kids’ needs throughout the journey.
  • Pack plenty of snacks in case hunger strikes during the trip; this will help prevent crankiness later on!
  • Bring along some toys or games that are specifically designed for young children; remember not all toys are designed for different ages! It’s always better safe than sorry when it comes down it staying entertained while traveling long distances (or even short ones!).

There are many ways to keep your kids occupied — and away from their ever-present devices — so that they enjoy the experience and you can stay sane.

As you prepare for your trip, there are many ways to keep your kids occupied — and away from their ever-present devices — so that they enjoy the experience and you can stay sane.

  • Make sure there is enough variety to keep them interested
  • Make sure the activities are age appropriate
  • Keep things that are fun for adults as well
  • Keep things that are easy to do

Here are some ideas on how to keep your kids engaged and entertained during your next family adventure.

  • A coloring book and colored pencils (Here are 7 great RV and camping pages to color!)
  • A puzzle
  • Board games, such as cards or Monopoly
  • Books, like the Firefly series or Harry Potter books (the younger set) or a classic like Treasure Island for older children. If you have e-readers, it is easy to download digital copies of these books through the library and load them onto your device before you leave home. Bonus: most libraries will loan eReaders to patrons as long as they return them in good condition so that others can borrow them too!

Here are some fun travel activities for kids.

  • Coloring books. A travel coloring book is a great way to keep children entertained, especially on long car rides. There are a number of different ones available, such as the Rebus coloring book series which has 150 pages of puzzles and mazes that kids can complete while they’re on their trip.
  • Road games. If you have one of those long drives ahead of you, why not play some road games with your child? Some fun games include:
  • “I Spy” – Find something in nature or around town that starts with each letter of the alphabet (i.e., if it’s an object starting with A then it could be an apple tree). You can also use this idea for writing names as well (for example: if it’s my sister’s name then maybe I see myself eating a banana because B stands for bananas). The possibilities are endless!
  • “What Do We See?” – This is another version of I Spy where instead of finding things in nature or around town we find them inside our cars/vans/etc., such as animals on our mats or objects hanging from rearview mirrors…again there are so many options here! It helps keep children engaged throughout their journey while also developing their skills too because they’ll need to pay attention so they don’t miss anything important along the way.”


We hope you’ve enjoyed our list of travel activities for children. We think these are great ideas for anyone with kids who wants to go on a trip, but we also know that every family has its own unique needs. We’d love if you shared what works for your family!

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